Things to do when you are bored and alone

  1. Sleep
  2. Clean your place
  3. Do laundry
  4. Reorganize your cupboard
  5. Reorganize your bookshelf
  6. Cook something
  7. Mediate / Do nothing
  8. Read your bookmarked articles, tweets etc.
  9. Read a book
  10. Watch your watch later videos
  11. Have a long slow bath
  12. Practise a new skill
  13. Record a YouTube video
  14. Trim your nails, beard etc.
  15. Organize folders on your PC
  16. Clean your Phone
  17. Delete old photos and files
  18. Make an inventory of the things you have
  19. Throw away things/clothes that you don’t use
  20. Write everything that comes to your mind
  21. Make a phone call

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