Author: Himanshu Mishra

  • My Anti-To-Do List

    An anti-to-do list is the thing that I avoid daily. Sometimes, we don’t know what we want in life. But we are clear about what we don’t want or what type of person we don’t want to become. Here is… Continue reading

    My Anti-To-Do List
  • The Beginner’s Luck

    In the book Alchemist by Paul Colhelo, he has written about beginner’s luck. When we do something for the first time, we are most likely to win. It is nature’s way to realise you your destiny by giving you a… Continue reading

    The Beginner’s Luck
  • Permissionless Leverage

    Code (websites, apps) & Media (videos, blogs) are examples of permissionless leverage. The best thing about these is they work even when you are not working, serving customers on your behalf. People are doing transactions on your website/apps, watching your… Continue reading

  • Asymmetric Risks

    Asymmetric risks are situations which have more potential upside than downside. There is more to gain than to lose. It may be a tool to decide whether a risk is worth taking. Suppose you are getting late for the office… Continue reading

    Asymmetric Risks
  • Discipline is freedom

    There is something you want to do There is something society wants you to do And between these two, there are things that are indispensable—for example, health, education, money etc. Identify these things, work to acquire them and be free… Continue reading

  • My Investment Rules

    It’s old wisdom to save money for rainy days. Saving money is not enough because there is inflation which will reduce the value of the same money in future. There is opportunity cost which means the money could be used… Continue reading

    My Investment Rules