My Fitness Protocol

Fitness protocol is a set of activities I am trying to achieve my goal. It is not fixed. I learn and adapt. At present, I aim for 4-5 days of weight lifting and 2-3 days of yoga per week.

Dead lift

This is my first year of training. I am not concerned with the aesthetic aspects of the body and focus on compound exercises with free weights.

I am consistent because I treat it as a sport and try to spend around one hour daily. I do things for their sake.

The medium is not the goal. It makes me efficient in other areas of my life. It improves focus, energy, sleep, etc. Energy is the ultimate flex.

In long term, the goal of fitness is to avoid chronic diseases.

Aspects of Fitness:

  • Strength: The ability to generate force
  • Stamina: The ability to sustain an activity for a duration
  • Flexibility
  • Cardiovascular health

(To be updated…)

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