Asymmetric risks are situations which have more potential upside than downside. There is more to gain than to lose. It may be a tool to decide whether a risk is worth taking. Suppose you are getting late for the office and decide to drive at a fast speed. The upside of this risk is that…
Discipline is freedom
There is something you want to do There is something society wants you to do And between these two, there are things that are indispensable—for example, health, education, money etc. Identify these things, work to acquire them and be free to do whatever you want. Play the game to rise above them. What does an…
My Investment Rules
It’s old wisdom to save money for rainy days. Saving money is not enough because there is inflation which will reduce the value of the same money in future. There is opportunity cost which means the money could be used to create assets. Investment is not only about the stock market. You can invest in…
My Fitness Protocol
Fitness protocol is a set of activities I am trying to achieve my goal. It is not fixed. I learn and adapt. At present, I aim for 4-5 days of weight lifting and 2-3 days of yoga per week. This is my first year of training. I am not concerned with the aesthetic aspects of…